The Twyford CofE Academies Trust was formed in October 2011. The Trust is comprised of Twyford CofE High School, William Perkin CofE High School, Ealing Fields High School and Ada Lovelace CofE High School. Valerie Drake is Head of Governance.
The schools are under the ultimate authority of a Board of Directors whose job it is to ensure that the vision and values of the Trust are lived up to at each school.
Governance Documents
Governing Body diversity data can be found within the document below.
Equality and Diversity Objectives and Action Plan
Each school is directly overseen by its own Governing Body which consists of locally based people who are appointed by the Board of Directors.
Ealing Fields Local Governing Body
The Ealing Fields Local Governing Body is made up of local Church of England representatives, elected staff representatives, elected parent representatives, co-opted Governors, a Directors' representative and the Associate Head Teacher. Currently the Chair of the Local Governing Body is Rev Sarah Guinness.
Ealing Fields LGB
Contact details for the Chair of Governors can be found in Contact Us.
Ealing Fields School Fund
The Ealing Fields Local Governing Body has set up a voluntary School Fund which is used to enhance the equipment and facilities provided from government grant funding.
At other Trust schools, donations have helped fund improvements such as stocking the Learning Resource Centre (Library) with books and other resources and minibuses to transport small groups of children to trips and sports matches, for example.
Regular generous voluntary giving by parents helps the School Fund to thrive for the benefit of all children through various projects above and beyond what would normally be possible.
The School Fund is held in a separately administered bank account and use will be under the control of the School Governors and the Trust Directors. The fund will be subject to audit by the Trust's auditors.
If you would like to make a voluntary contribution to the School Fund please click below.
You can view the Trust's Voluntary Fund Policy here.
Voluntary Funds Policy
School Appeals Panel
We are always pleased to hear from people who would be interested in becoming a Volunteer School Appeals Panel Member.
For more information please read the document below and contact the Clerks Office.