GCSE Results day 2023
Ealing Fields celebrated another fantastic set of GCSE results this summer. Last year’s Year 11 achieved some exceptional results which are a real cause for celebration for the students and the school. These results have allowed our students to progress onto a wide range of different post-16 pathways, including many who have taken up places in the Twyford Trust Sixth Forms at William Perkin, Twyford and Ada Lovelace.
77% of our students achieved a Grade 5 or above in English and Maths with 43% achieving at least a Grade 7 in both. We were particularly proud of the 5 students who achieved grades 8 and 9 across 10 or more GCSEs, and over half of all GCSEs sat at Ealing Fields were graded at a grade 7 or above. Students performed well across a wide range of subjects with around 90% of our students entering the full range of courses in the English Baccalaureate (English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Languages) and Religious Education as well as having the chance to further enrich their education with many choosing GCSEs from Art, Drama, Music and PE.
Many of our students progressed on to William Perkin and Twyford Sixth Forms to take advantage of the wide range of A Level courses on offer as well as those who have taken up places in local schools and colleges for academic and vocational post-16 courses. This year also saw the launch of Ada Lovelace’s Post-16 T-Level offer which attracted a number of Ealing Fields students to take up both T-Levels that are on offer this year (Digital Production, Design and Development, and also Laboratory Sciences). You can find out more about T-Levels here. We wish all of our students the best of luck in their next steps.
More details of Ealing Field’s results compared to national results will be published in the DFE Performance tables later this term. We will also update the results information on our website once the national data is available.